报告题目:Impact of man-made sound on marine fishes or invertebrates and detection of the man-made noise (especially high-level sound such as piling noise, offshore construction, emphasize on interface/shear waves)


报告题目:Impact of man-made sound on marine fishes or invertebrates and detection of the man-made noise especially high-level sound suchas piling noise, offshore construction, emphasize on interface/shear waves

报告时间:621日(周三) 13:30-15:00



   Hefeng Dong教授现为挪威科技大学(Norwegian University of Science and Technology简称NTNU)教授,自2002年起就在电子系统系下的声遥感(Acoustic Remote Sensing)组从事教学和科研工作,主要研究方向有:声传播的数值模拟、声遥感、地声和地震模型及反演、水声通信和信号处理。这次应邀除进行“人为噪声对海洋鱼类或无脊柱动物的影响及其检测”报告外,还会对挪威科技大学进行详细介绍,并对水声学或海洋声学的教学和实验展开交流和讨论。