​朱国平 教授







CCAMLR中国代表团固定代表兼科学家顾问(2010- )


CCAMLR-CEMP基金管理组副主席(2017-2019)、主席(2020- 2022)

南极研究科学委员会(SCAR)磷虾专家组(SKEG)成员(2018- )




世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)生态系统管理委员会(CEM)委员(2013- )




国际数字地球学会中国国家委员会数字极地专业委员会委员(2021- )、常务委员(2024- )











Biodiversity and Conservation 副主编(Associate Editor)[SCI 一区](2023-)

Marine and Coastal Fisheries 副主编(Assoicate Editor)[SCI 二区](2021-

Fisheries Oceanography  编委 [SCI 二区](2020- )

水产学报  客座主编 [特辑:南极磷虾资源] (2022)

生态学杂志  编委(2021-2025)

上海海洋大学学报  编委(2022-2025)









20181月至2月,受法国巴黎第六大学(UMPC)邀请,以研究科学家身份登临法国科考船“Marion Dufresne
















科普作品奖、上海市优秀图书、上海市科普作家协会优秀图书奖各1项。共在Limnology and Oceanography,

ICES Journal of Marine Science, Journal of Hazardous Materials,Marine Pollution Bulletin,Ecological Indicators,

Marine  Environmental Research,Fisheries Research,Deep-Sea Research II等国内外学术期刊上发表论文200余










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                                                CURRICULUM VITAE

ZHU, Guoping, Ph.D., Professor

College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University

999 Huchengring Road, Lingang New City,

Shanghai 201306, P. R. China

E-mail: gpzhu@shou.edu.cn

Editorial Responsibilities

Biodiversity and Conservation  Associate Editor (2023- )

Marine and Coastal Fisheries   Associate Editor (2021 - )

Fisheries Oceanography   Editorial Board Member (2020 - )

Chinese Journal of Ecology   Editorial Board Member (2021 - 2025)

Journal of Shanghai Ocean University   Editorial Board Member (2021 - )

Journal of Fisheries of China   Guest Chief-in-Editor [Special Issue: Antarctic krill] (2022)


Ph. D. in Fisheries Biology, Shanghai Fisheries University, in June 2007

Graduate Program: Fisheries Biology, Fisheries Ecology, Fish Stock Assessment and Management

Dissertation: Fishery biology of bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesus, in the tropical waters

M.S. in Fisheries Oceanography, Shanghai Fisheries University, in June 2004

Graduate Program: Fisheries Ecology,Fisheries Oceanography

Thesis:The relationship between hooking rate of bigeye Tuna (Thunnus obesus) in longline fisheries and water temperature factors in Southeastern Pacific Ocean

B.S, Marine Fisheries Science and Technology, Shanghai Fisheries University, in June 2001

Professional Experiences:

January to February 2018       Visiting Research Scientist for the UPMC, onboard the French Research Vessel Marion Dufresneunder conducting the REPCCOAI project

January to March 2016       Visiting Research Scientist for the Australian Antarctic Division, onboard the Australian icebreaker Aurora Australisunder conducting the K-Axis (Habitats, Productivity and Food Webs on the Kerguelen Axis in the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean) project

July to September 2014      Visiting scientist for the Center for Quantitative Fisheries Ecology (CQFE), Old Dominion University, USA (with Associate Research Professor Julian Ashford as cooperating partner)

July 2012 to August 2013 Visiting scientist for the Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Old Dominion University, USA (with Professor Rodger Harvey as an adviser)

August 5 to 25, 2012        The Arctic Ocean Ecosystem Survey onboard the US icebreaker HEALY under conducting the COMIDA (Chukchi Sea Offshore Monitoring in Drilling Area) project sponsored by BOEM (Jackie Grebmeier as chief scientist and Rodger Harvey as a co-PI)

January 2010 to now         Associate professor for College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, China

December 2009 to March 2010 CCAMLRs Principal National Observer for Antarctic krill fishery in the Antarctic waters

March to August 2009        Funding Programme Manager for National Science Fund Commission of China (NSFC)

May 2008 to December 2009  Senior Lecturer for College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, China

July 2007 to May 2008     Lecturer in College for Marine Science and Technology, Shanghai Fisheries University, China

February to May 2005        Training Manager for Distant-waters Fisheries Training Centre, Ministry of Agriculture, China

June to December 2003      Tuna Fishery Scientific Observer for Chinese tuna fishery in the Eastern Pacific Ocean

Research Interest:

Im study polar biology, biological oceanography, fisheries ecology, fisheries biology, fisheries oceanography, fisheries management, quantitative fish dynamics, and fish life history, with a strong focus on pelagic (such as polar fishes, tunas, and mackerels) and Euphausiids species biology and ecology, the impact of environmental variables and climate change on pelagic species, and marine ecosystem topics involved in those species. Primary field tools I use include wildlife capture, population abundance surveys, radiotelemetry, and vegetation sampling. In the analytical laboratory, I work with GIS (Marine Explorer), multivariate statistics, and a variety of software programs useful for analyzing demographic and space-use data. I also frequently collaborate with marine biologist, marine biogeochemists, ecologists, and geneticists who add a greater dimension to my work.

Awards and Honors:

2011: Shanghai Youth Rising-Star of Science and Technology

2011: Seagull Scholar of Shanghai Ocean University.

2010: Second-class Marine Innovation Achievement Award of State Ocean Administration of China: Tuna species exploitation in the high seas of the Eastern Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean.

2010: First-class Achievements Awards of Shanghai Ocean University in the field of Humanities & Social Sciences: Report on Operational Mechanism and Cooperation advice for International Fisheries Organization.

2009: Second Science-Technology Progress Prize of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences: Tuna species exploitation in the high seas of the Eastern Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean.

2008: Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award of Shanghai Ocean University: The fishery biology of bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus in the tropical waters.

Currently ActiveResearch Grants (only PIs or co-PIs be listed):

2018-2021   National Natural Science Foundation of China (41776185): Population structure and its transport mechanism of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Scotia Sea, Antarctic. RMB 0.72 million. (PI)

2018-2021  National Key Research and Development Program of China (2018YFC1406801): Fishing ground forming mechanism of Antarctic krill resource. RMB 3.06 million, in which 1.50 million to SHOU. (PI).


Past Research Grants (only PIs or co-PIs be listed):

2013-2017   Key Project in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program during the Twelfth Five-Year Plan Period (2013BAD13B03): The aggregation mechanism and the precise locating technology of Antarctic krill. RMB 1.05 million. (PI)

2012-2016   Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest (201203018): Integration and demonstration of key technologies for highly-efficient and ecological fishing on Antarctic krill resource. RMB 0.5 million. (PI)

2015-2016   Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry (D-8005-15-0019): Population structure of Antarctic krill in the Atlantic sector of Antarctic Ocean. RMB 30,000. (PI)

2013-2014  State Oceanic Administration Polar Science Key Laboratory project (KP201210): The formation mechanism of fishing ground for Antarctic krill in the northern Antarctic Peninsula. RMB 30,000. (PI)

2012-2014   Seagull Talent Project of Shanghai Ocean University. RMB 100,000. (PI)

2011-2013   National Natural Science Foundation of China (41006106): Age, growth and migratory environmental history of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the Indian Ocean based on otolith information. RMB 210,000. (PI)

2011-2013   Shanghai Rising-Star Program (11QA1403000): Life-history process of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the Indian Ocean based on the otolith information. RMB 150,000. (PI)

2012-2013   Shanghai Three Talent Projects (B-5408-11-0003): Visiting Scholar to Old Dominion University. RMB 100,000. (PI)

2013-2013   Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Project: Age and growth of Electrona Antarctica in the northern Antarctic Peninsula (S30702). RMB 15,000. (PI).

2011-2012   Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Project: Population structure and stock abundance assessment of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superb) in the northern Antarctic Peninsula (S30702). (Co-PI with Dr. Jianye Tang). Total budget: RMB 100,000, in which RMB 40,000 for me.

2011-2012   Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Project: Age validation and growth of bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus in the Indian Ocean (S30702). (Co-PI with Dr.s Jiangfeng Zhu, Xiaoming Yang, Qianghua Xu, etc.). Total budget: RMB 200,000, in which RMB 20,000 for me.

2010-2012   Open Foundation from Ocean Fishery Science and Technology in the Most Important Subjects of Zhejiang (20100124): Age and growth of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the Indian Ocean based on otolith information. RMB 40,000. (PI)

2010-2012   The Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (RFDP, 20093104120005): Habitat suitability of bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus in the Eastern Pacific Ocean.  RMB 36,000. (PI)

2009-2011    Innovation Program of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (09YZ275): Spatial-temporal variations of reproduction for bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus based on geostatistic technique.  RMB 80,000. (PI)

2010-2010    The Third Phase College Education High Land Construction Project of Shanghai Municipality (B-8507-08-0002): Fisheries ecology.  RMB 5,000. (PI)

2008-2010    Opening Project of The Key Laboratory of Shanghai Education Commission for Oceanic Fishery Resources Exploitation (B-8208-07-0001-6): The effect of environmental factors on reproduction of bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus.  RMB 25,000. (PI)

2008-2010    Shanghai Municipal R&D Special-purpose Grant for Selectively Culturing Excellent Young Teachers in Universities and Colleges (SSC-07011): Reproductive biology of bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus in the central and western Indian Ocean. - RMB 30,000. (PI)

2007-2010    Initial Doctoral Funding of Shanghai Fisheries University (B-8202-07-279): Reproductive biology of bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus in the tropical Pacific Ocean. RMB 20,000. (PI)

2005-2007    Shanghai (China) Leading Academic Project (T1101): Fishery biology of bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus in the central and western Indian Ocean.  RMB 25,000. (PI)

2005-2006    Science Funds For Graduate students in Shanghai Fisheries University: The relationship between the distribution of bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus and environmental factors in the eastern Pacific Ocean based on GIS technique and statistical model.  RMB 2,500. (PI)

2003-2004    Science Funds For Graduate students in Shanghai Fisheries University: Incidental mortality of seabirds in the tuna longline fishery in the eastern Pacific Ocean.  RMB 800. (PI)

Professional Associations:

Fellow of China Society of Fisheries

Fellow of China Soceity of Natural Resources

Fellow of Fisheries Society of Shanghai

Fellow of Chinese Soceity for Oceanology and Limnology

Membership in Technical Committees,Councils and commission

Commission on Ecosystems Management (CEM), IUCN

Commission Member - CEM Members 2013 - present

Commission Member - CEM Climate Change Adaptation Thematic Group 2013 - present

Commission Member - CEM Deep Sea Ecosystems & Mining Thematic Group 2013 - present

Commission Member - CEM Red List of Ecosystems Thematic Group 2013 - present

Commettee Member of Pudong New District Branch of Shanghai Youth Federation. 2012-2014.

Member of Tuna Technology Working Group, China Distant-water Fishery Association. 2005  present.

Core member of Antarctic Living Resources Exploitation Working Group, Agriculture of Ministry, China. 2008  present.

Delegation member of China for attending Working Groups(WG-EMM, WG-FSA) and SC-AMLR of Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). 2010  present

Vice-Chair of the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP) Special Fund Management Group. 2017 - 2019.

Chair of the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP) Special Fund Management Group. 2020 - .

Junior Vice-Chair of the Scientific Committee, CCAMLR. 2019-2020.

Senior Vice-Chair of the Scientific Committee, CCAMLR. 2020-2021. 


Teaching activities:

Graduate course

Advanced in Biological Oceanography (2 credits; every Fall semester, 100% responsibility)

Science and Technology English for Fishery Resource (Semilar) (1 credits; every Spring semester, 100% responsibility)[Closed]

Undergraduate course

Biological Oceanography (in English PPT with Chinese speaking) (2 credits; every Fall semester, 100% responsibility)

Polar Living Resources and Oceanography (in English PPT with Chinese speaking) (1 credits; every Spring/Fall semester, 100% responsibility)

Polar Biology (in English PPT with Chinese speaking) (2 credits; every Spring semester, 100% responsibility)

Marine Technology (in English PPT with Chinese speaking) (2 credits; every Spring semester, 100% responsibility)

Graduate students in my lab:

Past students

Fengying Li, College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Age and growth of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the Central-southern Indian Ocean based on sectioned otolith and vertrebrae. 2011-2014. M.S. in Fishery Biology (Co-advisor with professor Xinjun Chen)

Xiaoyan Zhu, College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, The diet of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the northern Antarctic Peninsula, 2012 – 2015. M.S. in Marine Science (minor in Marine Biochemistry)

Yiying XU, College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, The age estimation of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the northern Antarctic Peninsula based on the stable isotope analysis, 2012 – 2015. M.S. in Fishery Biology

Shimin Li. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, The age and growth of Electron antarctic (Electrona antarctica) in the northern Antarctic Peninsula, 2012 2015. M.S. in Polar Biology

Zijun Liu. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Age and growth of mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) in the northern Antarctic Peninsula, 2013 2016. M.S. in Polar Biology

Shengjie Ye. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Age and growth of skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean, 2014 2017. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Qi Song. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Transport contribution of Antarctic krill in the Scotia Sea, 2014 2017. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Lian Wei. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Age, growth and otolith microchemistry of Electrona carlsbergi, 20152018. M.S. in Fisheries Science.

Lvfeng Chen. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Variation in fishing ground of Antarctic krill using geostatistical analysis, 2015  2018. M.S. in Fisheries Science.

Qianqian Lin. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University,Feeding habits of Alaska Pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the western Bering Sea, 20162019. M.S. in Marine Biology

Qingyuan Yang. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University,Feeding habits of icefishes in the Antarctic Peninsula, 2017  2023. PhD in Marine Biology.

Mengxiao Zhou. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Inter-annual variability in oceanography in the Northern Antarctic Peninsula during summers and linking to phytoplankton bloom, 2017 2020. M.S. in Biological Oceanography.

Bo Deng. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Inter-annual variability in fatty acids composition of autumn Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Northern Antarctic Peninsula, 2017 2020. M.S. in Marine biology

Mi Duan. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University,Age, growth and population structure of Electrona antarctica in the southern Kerguelen Plateau using otolith information, 2017 2020. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Shujie Wang. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Aggregation of Antarctic krill in the South Orkney Islands based on geostatistical analysis, 2017  2020. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Shuming Shi. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Development planning of fishing villages in the Chongming Island, Shanghai, 2017  2020. M.S. in Fisheries Science.

Min Wang. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Population genetic analysis on several myctophidae fishes in the Ross Sea, Antarctic, 2018 – 2021. M.S. in Marine Biology

Beibei Wei. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Reproductive strategy of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Scotia Sea, 2018 – 2021. M.S. in Marine Biology

Xiaoying Wei. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Age, growth and population structure of Chionodraco rastrospinosus in the Scotia Sea, 2018– 2021. M.S. in Marine Biology

Guangzhao Hu. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Seasonal variability in Astaxanthin in Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Northern Antarctic Peninsula, 2018– 2021. M.S. in Marine Biology

Fangda Liu. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Predicting the relationship between walleye pollock distribution and environmental factors, 2018– 2021. M.S. in Marine Fisheries.

Zijun LiuCollege of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University,Monitoring Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) behavior, feeding and physiology using on-sea aquarium and linking to ocean acidification and warming, 2018 2021. PhD in Marine biology.

Lian Wei. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Age, growth and otolith microchemistry of Electrona carlsbergi, 2018  2022. PhD in Marine Biology. Stayed in the Old Dominion University, US as a visiting student (September 2019 to September 2020).

Dangrong Wang. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Inter-annual and regional variability in trace elements in Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Northern Antarctic Peninsula, 2019– 2022g. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Chengbin Yan. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Inter-annual variability in meso-scale oceanic eddies and its role in transport of pelagic biota in the Scotia Sea, 2019– 2022. M.S. in Biological Oceanography.

Jiuyang Zhu. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Feeding habits of Champsocephalus gunnari in the Scotia Sea using the integrated approaches, 2019– 2022. M.S. in Marine Biology

Xiangyun Wei. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Ecosystem-approached Ross Sea Marine Protected Area, 2019– 2022. M.S. in Marine Biology

Dang Yang. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Population structure of Dissostichus eleginoides in the Northern Kerguelen Plateau using otolith information, 2019– 2022. M.S. in Marine biology

Yingying Li. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Inter-annual and regional variability in trace elements in Champsocephalus gunnari in the Northern Antarctic Peninsula, 2019– 2022. M.S. in Marine biology

Jiaqi Dong. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Parasite in Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Scotia Sea, 2019– 2022. M.S. in Marine biology

Dangfeng Liao. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Feeding habits of Salpa thompsoni in the Scotia Sea using the integrated approaches, 2019– 2022. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Yi Shen. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Trace element dynamics in Chionodraco rastrospinosus, 2020–2023. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Xunzi Chen. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Ecological niche dynamics of Antarctic key species predicted with species distribution models, 2020– 2023. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Yuwen Chen. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Using machine learning approaches to investigate ecomorphological function of Antarctic key fish species, 2020– 2023. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Shulin Han. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Trace elements dynamics of Antarctic krill in the Scotia Sea, 2020– 2023. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Fangqin Liu. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Using body shape to investiage ecomorphology of Antarctic fish species, 2020– 2023. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Yi Xiong. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Parasites in Antarctic krill, 2020– 2023. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Hailun Zhao. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Social-ecological role of Antarctic fishery, 2020– 2023. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Dan Cao. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Life history of Pleuragramma antarcticum, 2020– 2023. M.S. in Marine Biology.


Active students

Haiting Zhang. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University,Spatial-temporal variation and environmental pressure on feeding habits of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Antarctic Peninsula, 2016 ongoing. PhD in Marine Biology. Stayed in the University of Tasmania, Austalia (April 2018 to August 2019) as a visiting student.

Yang Yang. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University,Species discrimination in Antarctic krill fishery using acoustic technique, 2016 ongoing. PhD in Marine Biology. Staying in the University of St Andrews, Scotland as a visiting student since August 2019.

Hui Liu. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Predicting the relationship between Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) distribution and environmental factors using spatial analysis, 2018– ongoing. PhD. student in Marine Biology. Co-supervising with Dr Keith Reid.

Mei Xue. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Monitoring krill diet in the Scotia Sea using the integrated techniques, 2019– 2022. M.S. in Marine Biology. 2022—ongoing. PhD student in Marine Biology.

Sisong Dong. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Inter-annual variability in population structure of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Scotia Sea, 2019– 2021 directing to PhD study. PhD student in Marine Biology. Co-supervising with Dr Keith Reid.

Bixue Wang. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Trophic linkage between Antarctic icefishes and their parasites, 2020– 2022 directing to PhD study. PhD student in Marine Biology.

Zhuang Chen. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Using data collected from fishery to improve krill estimation based on acoustic approach, 2020– 2023. PhD student in Marine Biology.

Xiaowen Zhuo. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, TBD, 2020– 2021. M.S. in Marine Biology (withdrawn).

Kai Huang. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Reproductive ecology of mackerel icefish Champsocephalus gunnari, 2021– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Zhen Zhao. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Using otolith chemistry to reveal connectivity of Antarctic toothfish, 2021– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Jialong Wang. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Using joint species distribution model to model redistribution of Antarctic marine species under future climate change, 2021– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Weichang Li. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Age, growth and population structure of several marine fish species in the South China Sea, 2021– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Mengcheng Zhang. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Growth bands in Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) and its relations to biochemical biomarkers, 2021– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Yu Liu. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Reproductive ecology of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Scotia Sea, 2021– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Jie Zhou. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Age, growth and population connectivity of Painted notie (Nototheniops larseni) in the Scotia Sea, 2021– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Yafei Dong. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Sea ice and climatic events affect population dynamics of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Northern Antarctic Peninsula, 2021– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Qingning Geng. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Microplastics in several Antarctic fish species in the Northern Antarctic Peninsula, 2021– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Zhi Cao. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, TBD, 2022– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Juntao Du. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, TBD, 2022– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Tingting Li. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, TBD, 2022– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Fanyi Meng. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, TBD, 2022– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Hurui Qian. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, TBD, 2022– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Feng Xue. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, TBD, 2022– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Jinhui Liu. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, TBD, 2022– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Di Luo. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, TBD, 2022– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Youfeng Peng. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, TBD, 2022– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Zhihong Zheng. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, TBD, 2022– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Shiyu Lin. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, TBD, 2022– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Shi Qiu. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, TBD, 2022– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Sijie Zhao. College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, TBD, 2022– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology. (withdrawn due to study abroad)

Chaoyi ZhouCollege of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, TBD, 2023– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Mujia HeCollege of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, TBD, 2023– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Jian JiangCollege of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, TBD, 2023– ongoing. M.S. in Marine Biology.

Yuanfang ChangCollege of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, TBD, 2023– ongoing. M.S. in Fisheries.

Conferences co-organized:

Co-Convenor2023. Workshop on Krill Fishery Observer, Commission for the Conservation of Marine Living Resources. Shanghai, China19-21 July, 2023.

Co-Convenor. 2017. Second Joint Seminar Between SHOU and TUMSAT on Quantitative Analyses for Marine Sciences. Tokyo, Japan. 19-21August, 2017.

Co-Convenor.2017. First Joint Seminar Between SHOU and TUMSAT on Quantitative Analyses for Marine Sciences. Shanghai, China. 9-11January, 2017.

Chair of Modelling Fish Habitat Session. 2017. 7th International Symposium on GIS/Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences. Hokkadai, Japan. 21-26August, 2017.

Chair of Fisheries Resource Session. 2017. Annual Conference of Fisheries Society of China. Nanchang, Jiangxi, China. 8-10November, 2017.

Co-Chair of Fisheries Resource Session. 2016. Annual Conference of Fisheries Society of China. Chengdu, Sichuang, China. 24-26 October, 2016.

Chair of Fisheries Resource Session. 2014. Annual Conference of Fisheries Society of China. Changsha, Hunan, China. 26-28 October, 2014.

Chair of Fisheries Resource Session. 2013. Annual Conference of Fisheries Society of China. Hefei, Anhui, China. 20-22 November, 2013.

Co-chair of Keynote session. 2013. Young Scientist Symposium on Marine Fisheries Resources Conservation and Co-exploitation between the Taiwan Strait. Fuzhou, Fujian, China. 12-14, September 2013. (Invited Keynote Speaker)

Chair of Fisheries Resource Session. 2010.The Eleventh Annual Young Meeting of Fisheries Association of China. Huzhou, Zhejiang, China. 27-29 August, 2010.

Chair of Fisheries Resource Session. 2009. Annual Conference of Fisheries Society of China. Haikou, Hainan, China. 10-12 November, 2009.


Publications (over 200 publications have been published since 2003)

A. Selected Peer-reviewed Publications in the past 5 years (*Corresponding author; # Students in my lab): 


[1]     Haiting Zhang#, Guoping Zhu*, Hui Liu, Kerrie M. Swadling. 2024. Autumn food availability in Bransfield Strait for Antarctic krill Euphausia superba and the relationship between body size and fatty acid content. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 730: 31-42. DOI: 10.3354/meps14517 (SCI)

[2]     Mengchen Zhang#, Guoping Zhu*. 2024. Growth bands in crustaceans and their potential application in age determination: a systematic review. Journal of Shellfish Research. (accepted). (SCI)

[3]     Yi Xiong#, Sijie Zhao#, Guoping Zhu*. 2024. Summer gregarine infection of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba in the Dumont D’Urville Sea, East Antarctic. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. (accepted). (SCI)



[4]     Yuwen Chen#, Guoping Zhu*. 2023. Using machine learning to alleviate the allometric effect in otolith shape-based species discrimination: the role of a triplet loss function. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 80(5):1277-1290. DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsad052. (SCI)

[5]     Bixue Wang#, Jing Ning, Guoping Zhu*. 2023. Ectoparasite infestation and host–parasite trophic relationship for Champsocephalus gunnari (Lonnberg, 1905) at South Orkney Islands, Antarctica. Aquatic Ecology. DOI: 10.1007/s10452-023-10072-4. (SCI)

[6]     Yuwen Chen#, Guoping Zhu*. 2023. Using teacher-student neural networks based on knowledge distillation to detect anomalous samples in the otolith images. Zoology. DOI: 10.1016/j.zool.2023.126133. (SCI)

[7]     Hui Liu#, Guoping Zhu*. 2023. Effects of spatial scale on hotspot analysis of the density of Antarctic Krill (Euphausia Superba) in the Antarctic Peninsula Region. CCAMLR Science, 24:36-57. (SCI)

[8]     Yewei Yu, Yang Liu, Guoping Zhu*, Congcong Wang. 2023. Development and validation of 105 SNP markers in Chionodraco rastrospinosus. Conservation Genetics Resources. DOI: 10.1007/s12686-023-01318-2. (SCI)

[9]     Shulin Han#, Guoping Zhu*. 2023. Niche separation, dynamics, and transport pattern of trace elements along Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) to its exclusive predator, mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 191, 114956.  (SCI)

[10]  Jianchun Yu, Guoping Zhu*, Yasong Wang, Yinghui Wang, Lulu Han, Zijun Liu, Xi Zhang, and Yunping Xu. 2023. Sea Ice Melting Drives Substantial Change in Dissolved Organic Matter in Surface Water off Prydz Bay, East Antarctic. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 128, e2023JG007415. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023JG007415. (SCI)

[11]  Qingyuan Yang#, Guoping Zhu*. 2023. Biochemical tracers in spiny icefish (Chaenodraco wilsoni) as indicators of variability in the diet of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in a highly dynamic environment. Journal of Marine Systems, 241, 103907. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2023.103907. (SCI)

[12]  Kai Huang#, Guoping Zhu*. 2023. Fatty acid composition and energy allocation in muscle and gonad tissues indicate that the female mackerel icefish Champsocephalus gunnari is an income breeder. Journal of Fish Biology, DOI: 10.1111/jfb.15461. (SCI)

[13]  Qingning Geng#, Congcong Wang, Guoping Zhu*. 2023. A novel report on the distribution of microplastics in ocellated icefish (Chionodraco rastrospinosus) in the northern Antarctic Peninsula. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 193, 115188. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.115188. (SCI)

[14]  Zhuang Chen#, Hui Liu, Guoping Zhu*.2023. The effects of environmental variables on hotspots of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Bransfield Strait during autumn. Polar Science. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polar.2023.100948. (SCI)

[15]  Chunmei Gao, Zhang Cao, Chenbing Yan, Guoping Zhu*. 2023. Traits and distribution of microplastics in stomach and intestinal tract of Pleuragramma antarcticum around the South Shetland Islands. Journal of Fisheries of China, 47(5): 110-118.

[16]  Guoping Zhu*, Fanyi Meng. 2023. Characterization of post-breeding movement of southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) in the Kerguelen Plateau, Antarctic. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 32(1): 181-189.

[17]  Jiuyang Zhu#, Xu Luo, Guoping Zhu*. 2023. Stomach content and diet of mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) in South Orkney Islands, Antarctic during summer 2020. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 32(2): 369-376



[18]  Yi Shen#, Guoping Zhu*. 2022. First report on the burden and distribution of Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd in the Ocellated icefish (Chionodraco rastrospinosus) of northern Antarctic Peninsula. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 182, 113963. (SCI)

[19]  Danrong Wang#, Guoping Zhu*. 2022. Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) as a bioindicator of trace elements reflects regional heterogeneity in marine environments in the northern Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctic. Ecological Indicators, 136,108596. (SCI)

[20]  Xiaoying Wei#, Guoping Zhu*. 2022. Shape and ontogenetic changes in otolith of the ocellated icefish (Chionodraco rastrospinosus) from the Bransfield Strait, Antarctic. Zoology, 153, 126025. (SCI)

[21]  Qingyuan Yang#, Keith Reid, Guoping Zhu*. 2022. Biological-physical processes regulate autumn prey availability of spiny icefish Chaenodraco wilsoni in the Bransfield Strait, Antarctic. Journal of Fish Biology, 101(1): 289-301. (SCI)

[22]  Jiuyang Zhu#, Guoping Zhu*. 2022. Trophic linkage between mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) and Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) at South Georgia. Fisheries Research, 253, 106366. (SCI)

[23]  Jingqian Xie, Ling Tao, Qiang Wu, Zhihe Bian, Mengqiu Wang, Yingming Li, Guoping Zhu*, Tian Lin. 2022. Bioaccumulation of organochlorine pesticides in Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba): Profile, influencing factors, and mechanisms. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 426, 128115. (SCI)

[24]  Sisong Dong#, Qunqun Kong, Guoping Zhu*. 2022. Temporal and spatial distribution of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) swarms in the Bransfield Strait, Antarctic in autumn 2020. Journal of Fisheries of China, 46(3): 337-348.

[25]  Hui Liu#, Guoping Zhu*. 2022. Scale effect of spatial pattern for Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) distribution around Antarctic Peninsula based on changepoint analysis. Journal of Fisheries of China, 46(3): 359-367

[26]  Xunzi Chen#, Guoping Zhu*.2022. Habitat of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Bransfield Strait based on ensembled species distribution model. Journal of Fisheries of China, 46(3): 390-401

[27]  Danfeng Liao#, Qian Fang, Guoping Zhu*. 2022. Factors influencing food composition of salp (Salpa thompsoni) in krill fishing ground of the Bransfield Strait, Antarctica. Journal of Fisheries of China, 46(3): 402-409

[28]  Xiangyun Wei#, Guoping Zhu*. 2022. On the role and function of non-governmental organizations in Antarctic governance from the perspectives of Antarctic marine protected areas and Antarctic krill fishery. Journal of Fisheries of China, 46(3): 513-523

[29]  Guoping Zhu*, Jing Ning. 2022. Metazoan parasites of Antarctic fishes: a review on Nematode, Cestode and Copepod. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinca, 46(4): 1247-1255

[30]  Dan Yang#, Qian Fang, Lian Wei, Guoping Zhu*.2022. Preliminary analysis of otolith morphology of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) from the Kerguelen and Crozet Islands, East Antarctic. Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 34(3): 303-310.

[31]  Sisong Dong#, Guoping Zhu*. 2022. Effect of voluntary restriction zone on Antarctic krill fishery and fishing ground distribution in the Antarctic Peninsula. Marine Fisheries, 44(4): 409-420

[32]  Guoping Zhu*, Fangqin Liu. 2022. Geometric morphometrics and its application in fish ecology: A review. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 31(5): 1180-1189.

[33]  Guoping Zhu*, Yiyuan Lin. 2022. Composition of stomach contents and its influencing factors of walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) in the western Bering Sea in summer 2019. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 31(6): 1514-1521.

[34]  Hui Liu#, Guoping Zhu*. 2022. Spatio-temporal distribution pattern and scale of density distribution for Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of Fisheries of China, 46(12), 2306-2314.

[35]  Lian Wei#, Hurui Qian, Dan Yang, Sobahle Somhlaba, Guoping Zhu*. 2022. Using shape analysis to inform variation in otolith morphology with life stages of Dissostichus mawsoni Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 33(4): 1137-1144

[36]  Guoping Zhu*, Zhihong Zheng, Hurui Qian, Fangda Liu. 2022. The factors impacting infection characteristics of Anisakis sp. in liver of walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) in the western Bering Sea. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 31(2): 471-478

[37]  Yuhang Zhu, Mengting Zhuo, Guoping Zhu, Sisong Dong, Yixin Shen, Chunlin Zhang, Lingqiao Cheng, Song Hu. 2022. Impact of sea ice and wind field on the suitability of conventional krill fishing operation in the Bransfield Strait, Antarctica. Journal of Fisheries of China, 46(3), 379-389.



[38]  Julian Ashford, Michael Dinniman, Cassandra M. Brooks, Lian Wei, Guoping Zhu. 2022. Tying policy to system: Does the Ross Sea region marine reserve protect transport pathways connecting the life history of Antarctic toothfish? Marine Policy, 136, 104903. (SCI)

[39]  Guoping Zhu*, Yingying Li, Danrong Wang, Hui Liu. 2021. Concentration and Distribution of Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd in Mackerel icefsh (Champsocephalus gunnari) in South Georgia, Antarctic, During Winter. Biological Trace Element Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12011-021-02949-y. (SCI)

[40]  Xue Mei#, Zhu Guoping*. 2021. Variation in fatty acids of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) preserved under constant dry conditions: Does storage time and ontogeny matter? Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, e15357. 10.1111/jfpp.15357. (SCI)

[41]  Li Yingying#, Ma Yuxin, Zhu Guoping*. 2021. Persistent organic pollution in Antarctic marine biota: level, transport and risk assessment. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 32(2): 750-762.

[42]  Wei Beibei#, Huang Kai, Zhu Guoping*. 2021. Ovary development of walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) in the western Bering Sea during summer. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 30(2): 315-322.

[43]  Qian Hurui#, Zhu Guoping*. 2021. Comparative analysis on otolith shape of mackerel fish (Champsocephalus gunnari) and long-fingered icefish (Cryodraco antarcticus) based on four morphological techniques. Marine Fisheries, 43(1): 22-30.

[44]  Hu Guangzhao#, Liu Zijun, Zhu Guoping*. 2021. The effect of in-situ simulated light level on respiration rate of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) during winter. Marine Fisheries, 43(2): 209-218.

[45]  Wei Xiangyun#, Zhu Guoping*. 2021. Bibliometric analysis of Antarctic marine protected area research. Journal of Polar Research, 33(1): 88-98.

[46]  Zhu Guoping*, Dong Jiaqi. 2021. Diversity and ecology of gregarine, nematode, and ciliate parasites in Euphausiids in the Antarctic-A review. Journal of Fishery Sciences of China, 28(3): 380-388.

[47]  Zhu Guoping*, Wang Min. 2021. Gut microbes of Antarctic marine organism: a review. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 41(21): 8320-8330.

[48]  Wang Shujie#, Zhu Guoping*. 2021. Multi-scale analysis of the spatial heterogeneity of abundance of Antarctica krill in the South Orkney Islands during summer 2018. Journal of Fisheries of China, 45(5): 716−725.

[49]  Zhu Guoping*, Wei Beibei. 2021. Reproductive traits of common Euphausiids in the south of Antarctic Polar Front. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 32(11): 4156-4164.

[50]  Xue Mei#, Zhu Guoping*. 2021. Stomach content analysis and feeding habit of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba: A review. Journal of Fishery Sciences of China, 28(9): 1238-1250.



[51]  Zhu Guoping*, Duan Mi, Wei Lian, Trebilco Rowan, Bestley Sophie, Walters Andrea. 2020. Determination and precision of otolith growth zone estimates of Electrona antarctica in the Southern Kerguelen Plateau region in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Research II, 174: 104778. (SCI)

[52]  Duan Mi#, Ashford R. Julian, Bestley Sophie, Wei Xiaoying, Walters Andrea, Zhu Guoping*. 2020. Otolith chemistry of Electrona antarctica suggests a potential population marker distinguishing the southern Kerguelen Plateau from the eastward-flowing Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Limnology and Oceanography, 9999: 1-17. doi: 10.1002/lno.11612. (SCI)

[53]  Hua Chuangxiang, Li Fei, Zhu Qingcheng, Zhu Guoping, Meng Lingwen. 2020. Habitat suitability of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) based on a yield-density model and weighted analysis. Fisheries Research, 221: 105408. (SCI)

[54]  Xiangqian Zhou, Guoping Zhu, Song Hu. 2020. Influence of tides on mass transport in the Bransfield Strait and the adjacent areas, Antarctic. Polar Science, 23: 100506. (SCI)

[55]  Bettina Meyer, Angus Atkinson, Kim S. Bernard, Andrew S. Brierley, Ryan Driscoll, Simeon L. Hill, Enrique Marschoff, Dale Maschette, Frances A. Perry, Christian S. Reiss, Emilce Rombolá, Geraint A. Tarling, Sally E. Thorpe, Philip N. Trathan, Guoping Zhu, So Kawaguchi. Successful ecosystem-based management of Antarctic krill should address uncertainties in krill recruitment, behaviour and ecological adaptation. Communications Earth & Environment, 2020; 1(1): 28. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-020-00026-1. (SCI)

[56]  Ning Jing#, Huang Kai, Wei Beibei, Zheng Zhihong, Jia Mingxiu, Zhu Guoping*. 2020. Parasitic characteristics of Anisakis sp. in the liver of Gadus chalcogrammus in the Western Bering Sea during summer. Marine Fisheries, 42(3): 296-303.

[57]  Liu Hui#, Zhu Guoping*. 2020. Effect of spatial scale on hotspot analysis of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) distribution. Journal of Fisheries of China, 44(11): 1851-1861.

[57]Wei Xiaoying, Zhu Guoping. 2020. Otolith microchemistry in Antarctic fish species: A review. Chinese Journal of Ecology 202039( 10) : 34713481

[58]  Zhu Guoping*, Li Huiting, Li Ye, Yang Yang. 2020. Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) aggregation types and affecting factors around the South Shetland Islands Antarctic during austral summer-autumn 2018. Chinese Journal of Ecology 202039(4) : 1265-1272. [This paper received the First-place Award in the Biennial Best Papers of Fisheries Society of Shanghai in 2019/2020]

[59]  Yang Qingyuan#, Zhu Guoping*. The distribution of fatty acids in tissues of rock cod (Patagonotothen ramsayi) in the Argentina Patagonian Shelf and their implications to feeding habit. Haiyang Xuebao, 2020, 42(4): 20–28. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253−4193.2020.04.003. [This paper received the First-place Award in the Biennial Best Papers of Fisheries Society of Shanghai in 2019/2020]

[60]  Liu Hui#, Zhu Guoping*. 2020. Spatial-temporal variation in hotspot and coldspot of Antarctic krill distribution in recent 100 years. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2020, 31(3): 1015-1022.

[61]  Huang Kai#, Wei Beibei, Zhu Guoping*. 2020. Evaluation of factors affecting energy density of gonad of Alaska pollock Gadus chalcogrammus in the Western Bering Sea during summer. Journal of Dalian Ocean University, 35(4): 564-569.

[62]  Wei Xiaoying#, Duan Mi, Zhu Guoping*. 2020. Otolith morphological feature of Bald notothen (Pagothenia borchgrevinki) and its predication for change in fish length. Journal of Polar Research, 32(2): 227-236.

[63]  Zhu Guoping*, Zhou Mengxiao. 2020. Progress of numerical ocean model and its application in dispersal modelling of marine organisms: A review. Marine Fisheries, 42(2): 245-256.

[64]  Zhou Mengxiao#, Zhu Guoping*. 2020. Water mass structure in the euphotic zone around South Shetland Islands, Antarctic during summer 2013. Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 32(1): 90-100.

[65]  Wu Ruijie#, Yang Qingyuan, Zhu Guoping*. 2020. Fatty acid composition of spiny icefish (Chaenodraco wilsoni) in the Bransfield Strait, Antarctic during summer-autumn 2016 and its implication to diet. Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 32(1): 82-89. [This paper received the Third-place Award in the Biennial Best Papers of Fisheries Society of Shanghai in 2019/2020]

[66]  Yang Chen, Zhou Pei, Yuan Junting, Zhu Guoping*, Han Minglei. 2020. Design and application of ecological simulated temporary cultivation system of Antarctic krill. Fishery Modernization, 46(6): 48-55.

[67]  Wang Shujie#, Huang Kai, Yang Yang, Liu Hui, Zhu Guoping*. 2021. Aggregation characteristics of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the South Orkney Islands during summer 2018. Journal of Fisheries of China. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20190711876.

[68]  Gao Chunmei, Han Naixu, Zhu Guoping*, Ding Guodong, Zhou Mengxiao, Cao Zhang, Fang Han, Yang Hang. Distribution of trace elements in seawater from the Prydz Bay in the summer 2018. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/31.2024.S.20200222.1114.002.html

[69]  Yang Yang#, Zhu Guoping, Chen Xinjun. 2020. A review and prospect of fisheries acoustic research based on bibliometric analysis. Marine Fisheries, 42(4): 476-489.



[70]  Zhu Guoping*, Deng Bo, ZHANG Haiting, YANG Qingyuan. 2019. Ontogenetic and temporal diet variation in adult Antarctic krill Euphausia superba at South Georgia during austral winter revealed by stable isotope analysis. Fisheries Research, 215: 1-8. (SCI)

[71]  WANG Rui#, Zhu Guoping*. 2019. Inferring behavior of Chinese krill fishing vessel using a simple walk model. Journal of Ocean University of China (Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research), 18 (4): 939-94. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11802-019-3976-5. (SCI)

[72]  Zhu Guoping*, LIU Zijun, YANG Yang, WANG Zhen, YANG Wenjie, XU Liuxiong. 2019. Thermal and saline tolerance of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) under controlled in-situ aquarium conditions. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 37, 1080-1089. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00343-019-8002-7. (SCI)

[73]  Dongming Lin, Andrea Walters, Guoping Zhu, Xinjun Chen, Sophie Bestley, Rowan Trebilco. 2019. Distribution of larval and juvenile pelagic squids in the K-axis region: oceanographic influence on size structure and evidence of spawning locations. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2019.07.003. (SCI)

[74]  Chuanxiang Hua, Fei Li, Qingcheng Zhu, Guoping Zhu, Lingwen Meng. 2020. Habitat suitability of Pacific saury (Coloabis saira) based on a yield-density model and weighted analysis. Fisheries Research, 22: 105408. (SCI)

[75]  Bixue WANG, Haiting ZHANG, Guoping ZHU*. 2019. Variation in population structure of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in Scotia Sea in winter 2017. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 28(6): 953-960.

[76]  Qianqian LIN, Guoping Zhu*. 2019. Ecological characteristics and importance evaluation of fish species in the Arctic Alaska. Journal of fisheries of china, 43(7): 1581-1592. doi: 10.11964/jfc.20171111042. [This paper received the Second-place Award in the Biennial Best Papers of Fisheries Society of Shanghai in 2019/2020]

[77]  Qingyuan Yang#, Guoping Zhu*. 2019. Feeding ecology of Antarctic icefishes (Family Channichthyidae): a review. Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 31(2): 220-227.

[78]  Lian Wei#, Guoping Zhu*, Mi Duan. 2019. Using ring width on sagittal plane of otolith to reveal the growth of Antarctica fish species: a case study of Electrona antarctica. Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 31(2): 134-143.

[79]  HU Shiguo, XU Liuxiong, WANG Teng, TANG Hao, ZHOU Cheng, Zhu Guoping. 2019. Vertical distribution of Euphausia superba in sea areas around the South Orkney Islands in autumn 2017 and its relations with illumination, vertical temperature and salinity. Marine Fisheries, 41(2): 160-168.

[80]  WEI Lei, SHI Wenzheng, WANG Zhihe, Zhu Guoping, FANG Bing, XU Nan. 2019. Variation in volatile compounds of Antarctic krill throughout fishing seasons. Science and Technology of Food Industry, http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.1759.ts.20190731.1036.009.html



[81]  Zhu Guoping*, DUAN Mi, Ashofrd Julian, WEI Lian, Bestley Sophie. 2018. Otolith nucleus chemistry distinguishes Electrona antarctica in the westward-flowing Antarctic Slope Front Current and eastward-flowing Antarctic Circumpolar Current off East Antarctica.Marine Environmental Research, 142: 7-20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2018.09.010. (SCI)

[82]  Zhu Guoping*, YANG Yang, LIU Zijun, WANG Zhen, YANG Wenjie, XU Liuxiong. 2018.Thermal and saline tolerance of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba under controlled in-situ aquarium conditions. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 36(3): 717-725. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00343-019-8002-7. (SCI)

[83]  Zhu Guoping*, ZHANG Haiting, SONG Qi, YANG Yang, WANG Shaoqin, YANG Qingyuan. 2018. Inferring trophic variation for Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Antarctic Peninsula from the austral fall to early winter using stable isotope analysis. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 37(6): 90-95. (SCI)

[84]  Zhu Guoping*, YANG Yang, SONG Qi, ZHANG Haiting. 2018. Precision of growth band determination from eyestalk sections of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) preserved in formalin. Fisheries Research, 197: 1-6. (SCI)

[85]  Zhu Guoping*, ZHANG Haiting, YANG Yang, WANG Shaoqin, WEI Lian, YANG Qingyuan. 2018. Upper trophic structure in the Atlantic Patagonian shelf break as inferred from stable isotope analysis. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 36(3): 717-725. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00343-018-6340-5. (SCI)

[86]  Zhu Guoping*, YANG Yang, WANG Rui, TONG Jianfeng#. Diel vertical migration of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) swarm in the Bransfield Strait during austral autumn 2016 inferred from acoustic data and its relations to environmental factors. Journal of Fisheries of China, 42(10): 1541-1549.

[87]  CHEN Lvfen#, Zhu Guoping*. 2018. Influencing factors on spatial distribution of fishing ground for Antarctic krill fishery in the northern South Shetland Islands based on GWR model. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 29(3): 938-944.

[88]  YANG Yang#, Zhu Guoping*. 2018. Assessment on marine living resources based on acoustic technology and its application in Antarctic krill abundance estimation. Marine Fisheries, 40(3): 368-376.

[89]  YANG Xiaoming, Zhu Guoping*. 2018. Spatial-temporal variation on Euphausia superba fishing ground in the northern Antarctic Peninsula based on point pattern model. Journal of Fisheries of China, 42(3): 356-365.

[90]  DING Bo#, Zhu Guoping*, ZHANG Haiting. 2018. Spatial-temporal variability in population structure of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Scotia Sea, Antarctic in 2016. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, online.

[91]  DUAN Mi#, WEI Lian, Zhu Guoping*. 2018. Morphometric features of sagittal otolith for Alaska pollock Gadus chalcogrammus in the western Bering Sea. Journal of Dalian Ocean University, 33(4): 492-498.

[92]  WANG Shaoqin, YANG Qingyuan, Zhu Guoping*, SONG Qi. 2018. Spatial and temporal variation of fatty acid composition in Argentine hake (Merluccius hubbsi) in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean during austral spring and summer. Chinese Journal of Ecology, online.

[93]  XU Liuxiong, WANG Teng, Zhu Guoping, TONG Jianfeng. 2018. Swam characteristics of Euphausia superba in the South Orkney Islands by the echogram of acoustic survey. Journal of Fishery Sciences of China, 25(5): 1131-1138.

[94]  XU Liuxiong, WANG Teng, Zhu Guoping, TONG Jianfeng. 2018. Methods for biomass estimation of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba): a review. Journal of Fisheries of China, 42(5): 808-816.

[95]  FANG Bin, SHI Wenzheng, WANG Zihe, Zhu Guoping, WEI Lei, LIU Jieqiong. 2018. Effects of fishing months on nutrients of Antarctic krill. Science and Technology of Food Industry, online.

[96]  JIANG Jianjun, XU Liuxiong, Zhu Guoping, GUO Zhixun, ZHU Weijun. 2018. Age and growth of albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) in the north Pacific based on sectioned fin ray. Journal of Fisheries of China, online.